My Envy Box October 2016 3rd Anniversary Edition Review

My Envy Box October 2016 3rd Anniversary Edition Review: Hey guys!! My name is Aditi and I am a makeup artist. I have a huge variety of makeup and beauty products but still I can’t stop myself from buying new stuff. I like to pamper myself with beauty and makeup products and due to this reason I have subscribed to FAB BAG. But this month I surprised myself with MY ENVY BOX beauty subscription and today I got my first my envy box and I am excited to write about it.

My Envy Box October 2016 3rd Anniversary Edition Review MBF

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My Envy Box July 2014

Hi my beautiful friends, I just got this beauty in my mailbox and I could not wait to share it with you guys. If you follow me or Makeup and Beauty Forever on Facebook or Instagram, you already know how excited I was. I immediately took a picture and posted on the wall 😛



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My Envy Box June 2014


Hello my lovely viewers,

It is that time of the month again when the mailman brings in all the beauty boxes. The heart beat goes up by 10 as we take in our hands and by a further of 10 as we open it. I received My Envy Box June 2014 today morning as I updated on the blog Facebook page. I love trying new brands and these guys have been by fa doing an amazing job of bringing some of the most awesome brands to India.

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My Envy Box – April 2014

My Envy Box – April 2014
Hello my beautiful friends, 
Look what I got in my mail! 
My first Envy Box which I ordered not a very long time ago. 
My Envy Box - April 2014