Miniso Body and Breast Beauty Collaterals Brush Review: MINISO japan (Designed by japan, made in china) is a chain of stores that has various products ranging from toys to technologies to beauty products to daily life essentials. They Recently opened up a store near me. The store has a lot of interesting products that I am very intrigued by.

There is a range of different sizes and shapes of brushes/massagers for face, body, fingers, head, foot etc. So you can pick up a size of brush that suits your need. Today I am reviewing a pair of brushes I bought. These are called “Body and breast Beauty collaterals brush”
About Miniso Body and Breast Beauty Collaterals Brush
This product uses acupoints and collaterals, the essence of 5000-year Chinese civilization, to make your breast reappear the former beauty! Working principle: By pressing dorsal acupoints,the brush makes your blood flou to the breast. In this way, various in your blood are transported to breast so that breast adipocytes are swelled and the breast is enlarged after absorbing the nutrients.
How to Use Miniso Body and Breast Beauty Collaterals Brush
Use the collaterals brush to brush your body up and down(from clavicle to the bottom of breast),negotiating the ren meridians on breast.
Price of Miniso Body and Breast Beauty Collaterals Brush
AU $4.99
MXN $10.00
In Detail Miniso Body and Breast Beauty Collaterals Brush Review and My Experience
Pregnancy takes a toll on your body. It transforms your body, after childbirth many women are looking in the mirror trying to accept the body they see. Bigger hips, saggy breasts, stretch marks, loose skin, mommy belly and what not!
Once perky breasts are now saggy and look like deflated balloons. There are stretch marks all over, hips, belly, chest, thighs, you name it.
When you have a baby a lot of times there is no time for self care. I have neglected my body and its needs running behind a toddler. This is a good time to give extra care to your body. A few minutes out of the whole day to take care of the body that makes it possible to grow, birth and take care of another human.
I came across this aisle of brushes and massagers. Hence I researched a bit about the benefits of brushing your body and decided to give it a try.
Dry brushing technique is an ancient Chinese technique. It is good for the skin and the body. It can trigger a lot of good things by massaging the accu-points. Also, gets rid of cellulite, promotes lymphatic drainage, heals stretch marks, promotes blood flow, remove dead skin cells, makes your skin look brighter and clearer, gets rid of the toxins from your body etc; the list is endless.
I bought a pack of two brushes that are meant for body and bThe brush in an elongated heart shaped. The bristles/teeth are short and same sized. The brush doesn’t have a hand shank but is has a comfortable grip and easy to hold. One is baby pink and other baby blue. This way I can reserve one for my body and one for my breasts.
The packaging does not say a lot. So I had to ask the sales person and do a lot of research on my own and watch a lot of videos, to know how to brush the body.
For the breasts – you are supposed to start massaging from under your collarbone to the middle of the breast and all the way down the middle and under and outside the breast. Imagine drawing a big ‘C’ . repeating on the other breast.
You can work in small circles, you can brush under the collar bone In an upward motion from the starting of the breast towards your neck.
The brush can be used for the whole body, circular motion or up and down motion. Or combining the two going in small circles while you move your way up or down the arm, legs ,back, tummy. Its best to start from the left side of the body moving to right side of your body.
There are a lot of youtube videos describing the techniques to use in detail . The teeth are flexible but because they are short theres not much flexibility, apply a gentle pressure and massage the whole body.
Of course you are not gonna see results in just few uses. Instead I think this should be a lifestyle change. I have added this to my night time routine. I wash and moisturise my face, brush my teeth and dry massage my body or sometimes use lotion. Or dry brush my body before taking a shower, 2-3 times a week. And I am already seeing tiny results, my skin has become plumper and softer.
This will benefit you in the long term and give you a healthier, firmer body. I just need one for my face now.
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Pros of Miniso Body and Breast Beauty Collaterals Brush
- Improves blood circulation
- Removes dead skin
- Heals stretch marks
- Gets rid of cellulite
- Perfect sized for chest area
- Flexible bristles
- Good grip
Cons of Miniso Body and Breast Beauty Collaterals Brush
- A little small for the whole body.
- Wish the bristles were longer.
- No hand shank
MBF advises
- Dry brush or you can always use a lotion to make it go smoother.
- If you are targeting your whole body I would suggest you buy two different sized brush one bigger than this that will be easy to use of larger parts of body like arms, back, legs, hips and stomach. In addition, a small brush like this for the chest area.
- Although using this sized brush for the whole body is no problem I think it would be easy and faster if I had a bigger brush.
MBF Rating
Very different and unique productg