TIGI Bed Head Dumb Blonde Smoothing Stuff Review: Hey everyone, I am going to talk about some of my holy grail hair products in the coming few days. Let us start with something that has been my favourite since a very long time. Its the TIGI Bed Head Smoothing Stuff. I am on my 3rd tub of this product now because I really love it. So let me take you through all the details about this product. Also, I will tell you how I use it, its results as well as performance report on a long term basis. Let’s begin..
damager hair
Orofluido Hair Beauty Elixir Review
Hello gorgeous ladies!! Today I am going to tell you about a relatively less-known hair care product that is actually not just a cosmetic, but food for hair. What is more, this ‘hair food’ is actually a great styling product too! Let’s get started with the Orofluido Hair Beauty Elixir Review
Garnier Ultra Blends 5 Precious Herbs Revitalizing Shampoo Review
Time and again we have dipped into the bounty of nature to enhance, maintain and restore our beauty and health. It is with this philosophy that Garnier also bottles the goodness of five herbs – namely, Green Tea, Lemon, Henna, Aloe & Eucalyptus to revitalize weather-ravaged or product-damaged hair. I used it too – and this is my verdict on the Garnier Ultrablends Revitalizing Shampoo with 5 Precious Herbs…