Oriflame The ONE IlluSkin Concealer Review, Swatches: Hello Lovely ladies! I really need to start my review by appreciating my fellow bloggers, out there! All of you have shared some really pretty makeup looks on the blog and I sure am drawing some makeup inspirations from you. Talking about makeup, what I personally feel is the most important part of your entire makeup look is your base. If you have managed to create a smooth base, the rest of the hues from your blush and if you are using some illuminators or bronzers, automatically stand out really well.
Oriflame The One Everlasting Foundation Review, Swatches
Oriflame The One Everlasting Foundation Review, Swatches: Hey all, First of all Greetings to all the lovely readers of this wonderful blog! I am happy to be a part of the team on MakeupandBeautyForever and I hope you would enjoy some of the product reviews that I shall be writing for you. I am almost at the verge of entering the dreaded 30s now and as expected, even after following a reasonably good skincare regimen, my skin does have some blemishes, here or there.
As I sailed through the Twenties, I have accepted that you simply cannot avoid certain things and being too fussy about anything, never helps. So, even after following the mandatory CTM and exfoliation and using sunscreens, if you happen to get some patchiness on your face, just let it be and use makeup.