The Body Shop SPA Wisdom Blissful Body Cleanser
Hello ladies, how are you all doing ?
Its been like over a month now that I have been trying to do this review. I mean we all know, how something or the other comes up and you can’t make up your mind for just that one product of which you had clicked pictures long back. 😀 Anyways moving on, I am going to review this Spa range product from TBS which is The Body Shop SPA Wisdom Blissful Body Cleanser
This product is actually flicked from my mother who happens to be a fan of The Body Shop like myself 😀 She keeps travelling etc so she has the best collections in her vanity. When I go home, I make sure I poke my nose into all her stuff and I love how she lets me do it. So yeah I mostly beg borrow and steal anything and everything from my mum the great 😀 She must have a smile on her face when she reads this 😀