Garnier Ultra Blends Mythic Olive Conditioner Review: Hey guys, yesterday I reviewed the Garnier Mythic Olive Shampoo which by the way I enjoyed using. Today let’s talk about the Garnier Mythic Olive Deep Nourishing Conditioner. Like I mentioned before, I had purchased these products when they were launched but started using only since a month. There are tonnes of such product which I want to share with you guys but I am just making sure I try them out well before sharing my thoughts. So without further ado, let’s dive in and explore my experience with this conditioner.
Paraben free
Garnier Ultra Blends Mythic Olive Deep Nourishing Shampoo Review
Garnier Ultra Blends Mythic Olive Deep Nourishing Shampoo Review, Swatches: Hello and welcome to MBF Blog everyone. Today we are going to talk about the Garnier Ultra Blends Mythic Olive Oil Shampoo. Spring season has just started in India. My hair usually has a habit of turning into a dry mess unless I give it all the moisture it needs. However, throughout the months of January and February, my schedule was such that I couldn’t really take out time to give my hair that tender love and care. Hence, my hair started feeling very dry. I had already purchased this shampoo as soon as it was launched but started using it only now. So yes, I really wanted this to work on my dry hair. Keep on reading below to find out if it really nourished my dry hair as per its claims.
Macadamia Natural Oil Rejuvenating Shampoo Review
If you have heard me rave about the Macadamia Natural oil range, you probably know already how much I love their products. I have used almost every product from the Macadamia Natural Oil range and have not been disappointed with any of them. Have always been a fan of sulphate free shampoos since I started using them a couple of years ago. Love to try different sulphate free shampoos and that was one of the reasons this appealed to me so much. Read on to find out the exact reasons why this impressed me 🙂