Hiii Beauties, Have you ever wondered that we buy some things only because they are so pretty?? Well, it happens with me most of the times. I am sure it happens with most of the girls too. We cannot resist beautiful packaging. Now, coming to today’s topic which is L’Oréal Professionnel Mythic Oil Hair Masque Review.
Indian Long Hair
Orofluido Hair Beauty Elixir Review
Hello gorgeous ladies!! Today I am going to tell you about a relatively less-known hair care product that is actually not just a cosmetic, but food for hair. What is more, this ‘hair food’ is actually a great styling product too! Let’s get started with the Orofluido Hair Beauty Elixir Review
Bajaj Brahmi Amla Hair Oil Review
Amla has been used for hair care since forever. I was beginning to have some hair crisis with hair fall and frizziness since I have moved to a new place so I decided to change some of my hair products.
My aunt actually suggested me this hair oil long ago, I was scrolling through the market one day when I picked this up. I have always related the Bajaj Amla Hair Oil to my grandmom who always used to apply loads of it in her hair. Now that I think about it, oh my! she did have lovely hair in a very old age. So yeah, I gave this hair oil a try and let us read further to know if it actually worked 🙂
Organix Smooth Hydration Argan Oil and Shea Butter Moisture Restore Mask Review
Hair masks and myself have a never ending relationship. The reason is, my hair like to stay dry so that its best friends i.e. the hair masks come and have a mini party when I put them on. So I keep trying different hair masks pretty often. This is one of the hair masks which by the name sounds like the most moisturising thing in the world there can ever be. Lets find out if it stands true to its name. 🙂
Dove Oxygen Moisture Shampoo Review
Good morning my beautiful friends,
Today we are going to look into this new launch from Dove. Dove Oxygen Moisture range was launched in the US and Europe much before, but I am glad they finally introduced it in India. I had heard a lot about it, and I was super excited to try it out. I have been using this for more than a couple of weeks now and here I am sharing my experience with you pretty people. 🙂
LUSH NEW Shampoo Bar Review
I have been a fan of Lush Cosmetics since forever. It is disheartening that they closed down in India but my Love for their products still exists. So I recently did some “Jugaad” and got hold of a few Lush products. This was one of my favourites and guess what, it still is 🙂
Macadamia Natural Oil Rejuvenating Shampoo Review
If you have heard me rave about the Macadamia Natural oil range, you probably know already how much I love their products. I have used almost every product from the Macadamia Natural Oil range and have not been disappointed with any of them. Have always been a fan of sulphate free shampoos since I started using them a couple of years ago. Love to try different sulphate free shampoos and that was one of the reasons this appealed to me so much. Read on to find out the exact reasons why this impressed me 🙂