Hello gorgeous ladies!! Today I am going to tell you about a relatively less-known hair care product that is actually not just a cosmetic, but food for hair. What is more, this ‘hair food’ is actually a great styling product too! Let’s get started with the Orofluido Hair Beauty Elixir Review
Taking care of hair
Garnier Ultra Blends Royal Jelly & Lavender Anti Hairfall Shampoo Review
I don’t know about you, but come monsoons and my hair is a mess!! Think of a hair problem and I am suffering from it in the rains. Garnier are re-entering the hair care market this year with a big launch of a range called “Garnier Ultimate Blends ” a collection of various shampoo/conditioners/treatments that have been specifically designed and formulated for the most common hair types and complaints. Garnier turned up 5 spiffing new variants few weeks back and I promptly hoarded them all..Good to tell about how they fare…Let’s start with one that claims to battle the severest of hair woes : the falling out of hair in clumps! Garnier Ultra Blends Royal Jelly & Lavender Anti Hairfall Shampoo Review.
Biotique Bio Mountain Ebony Fresh Growth Stimulating Hair Serum Review
Hello beauties,
I am a known hoarder of hair products. Although I haven’t used much Biotique products, somebody suggested this Hair serum when I was suffering from hair fall. I thought, well it does look like a natural product so I gave it a shot. I know usually non medicated products cannot alter the natural hair cycle so accelerating or causing fresh hair growth was almost impossible. Still I had hopes it would somehow do something good for my damaged hair. I was quite desperate to revive my hair that time.
Bajaj Almond Drops Non Sticky Hair Oil with Vitamin E Review
Hi everyone, I am going to talk about a hair oil today which is widely used in India. Remember the ad on television “Kuch Kare, in baalon ka kuch kare…bajaj almond drops tel baloon ka kuch kuch kare” 😛 So let me be honest, this ad was the reason why I decided to try out this hair oil.
Dove Oxygen Moisture Shampoo Review
Good morning my beautiful friends,
Today we are going to look into this new launch from Dove. Dove Oxygen Moisture range was launched in the US and Europe much before, but I am glad they finally introduced it in India. I had heard a lot about it, and I was super excited to try it out. I have been using this for more than a couple of weeks now and here I am sharing my experience with you pretty people. 🙂
Garnier Fructis Silky Straight 24/7 Smoothing Serum Review
Silky, Smooth and Straight hair is all that I want. I keep trying different hair products in order to get those sexy manes. I thought I would give this a try as well.
Tresemme Hair Fall Defense Control Conditioner Review
Hello again everyone at MBF, if you have read my review on the Tresemme Hair Fall Defence Control Shampoo, you know I was going to review the conditioner from this same range soon. So here is my experience with the Tresemme Hair fall defense control conditioner.